Komisarek responds to eye gouge claim

After Friday's practice, the media asked Montreal Canadiens' defenseman about the eye gouge he gave Matt Hunwick at the end of game 1. Komisarek of course played dumb, read his quotes below. If you haven't seen the video yet, watch it in the previous post.

"It's playoff hockey. Face-washes happen every other shift so - I don't know if the kid's got gentle skin or whatnot - but it's playoff hockey," Komisarek said. "I've never been a guy that's Moe, Larry and Curly, trying to poke someone's eye out. It's playoff hockey, and we’re battling."

"Sticks are high, gloves are high in that situation. Just battling. I saw his face and didn't know how it happened or when it happened."

"The ref's right there, there's no penalty to call. He knows I'm not that type of guy."

"It's playoff hockey," he said. "You don’t need a reason."

He'll get his in due time. I'm counting on Milan Lucic sometime to give him another beatdown, maybe not this year, but next year or later.


bruins09 said…
ulfiesarek is a piece of classless shit. what an embarassment to hockey and to montreal